mobile learning in the classroom
Using modern technology to learn about different subjects “on the go” has become an undeniable truth. But have things become so convenient that it has made our own cognitive abilities weaker? Today we explore a number of topics that allow us to see the good and bad sides of m-learning.

Remembering Everything You Would Like to Know

Although many schools worldwide are moving into the future of education by embracing the idea that their students use their smart devices to acquire information faster, and therefore modifying existing lessons and courses to create a new style of teaching. Although this sounds very convenient, it can also weaken the memory of students. To think of it, how many of you remember all of the birthdays of your friends? Or the name of that funny video you saw two months ago? Since we use our portable devices as “second brains”, mobile learning has evolved even further.

Relying too Much on Tech Can Remove Natural Essence

While being able to learn certain topics fast can be convenient, this might not be the case with other academic aspects. It is a scientific fact that some knowledge needs to be assimilated on a slower rate, as this will allow for a better understanding – some mobile learning methods are even adjusted to that same principle, as not to create a complete dependence on the information source. It is why you see some applications and programs divided into sections, lessons, and courses – giving a pause for a person to properly assimilate and analyze what they have learned.

Distraction Breaks the Mobile Learning Process

No matter how modern a school wants to be, even if they introduced smart mobile device usage as a part of the learning process, it’s still not going to be perfect. The reason for this is that students (especially young people) have long mastered the art of procrastination, and usually their focus is rapidly shifting on all sides. Even the fast m-learning process needs to be constant for an uninterrupted period of time, and that can be a problem with some people.

Portable Technology Limitations

Simply having a tablet or a smartphone is not going to be enough to learn a topic in class. A different medium such as an interactive board or a large screen needs to serve as the main reference point, guiding the students properly in their mobile learning experience. Also, should this form of education is widely introduced, the devices of each student will need to cover a specific hardware and software minimum, so they won’t fall far behind.

Still a Long Way to Go

Before reaching a more perfected state of mobile learning in the classroom, many standards need to change. This is a complex initiative that will be regulated over the next few decades, in order to be turned into a properly working system. It is important that although mobile learning is made possible with the newest technology, it won’t remove the natural human tenacity that strives for knowledge in the first place!